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Coronavirus: How to read free books during this quarantine

Coronavirus: How to read free books during this quarantine
on Apr 04, 2020
Coronavirus: How to read free books during this quarantine
The outbreak of COVID-19 virus has shaken the whole world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the virus as a pandemic. Globally people are practising social distancing by staying inside their homes. The government of India has declared a nationwide 21-day lockdown. The Indian publishers are helping in every bit as possible People are staying in the home and following the work from home policies and spending their time in exploring their indoor hobbies like reading. Many Indian publishers have launched e-books and PDF files of the bestselling novels amid lockdown. The Indian publishing house, Juggernaut Books has announced free user access to its app. The publisher who is the publisher of books like Amar Chitra Katha and Tinkle comics has announced a month-long free subscription. The digital library, JSTOR has announced free access to 6,000 of its e-books, 150 journals and 26 public health journal archives. The American e-book and audiobook company Scribd has also made a free subscription of its electronic books and audiobooks. The CEO of Scribd, Trip Adler said, “Today, with millions of people around the globe staying close to home to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, access to books and information is more important than ever before. Reading can offer incredible comfort. It reduces anxiety and makes us feel more accomplished and even happier.” The world is really curious to know more details about the pandemic of COVID-19. Doctors across the globe are collaborating with each other and writing books about the virus. A database of medical research, Science Direct has also made available free access to its website named, “Coronavirus Information center”. Another platform which is also taking the initiative to make the quarantine interesting for the ones who are getting bored is Amazon's Audible. It offers hundreds of its titles free to the students or anyone till the schools are closed. Audible stated, “For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning and just being kids.” These kinds of online reading and learning platforms are really helping the readers to cope up with their boredom in these lockdown days. Social distancing is important to stop the growth of this virus among the people. The Indian publishers have offered the online platform to the readers to stay connected with their favourite hobby. Read more: How the Ministry of HRD is helping people in staying indoors  

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