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CBSE issues strict guidelines for students, Change Now or Regret Later!

CBSE issues strict guidelines for students, Change Now or Regret Later!
on Aug 21, 2019
CBSE issues strict guidelines for students, Change Now or Regret Later!
New Delhi: With students repeatedly facing trouble over various issues post their Board exams, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a few strict guidelines for students as well as schools regarding the personal data. The Board observed that students after passing Class X and Class XII are making request to the CBSE to make the corrections/changes in their personal data viz-their name, date of birth, name of their mother and father and to issue revised Educational Documents. Their requests are found to be based on several excuses. These requests are quite difficult to accept by the Schools as well as by the CBSE as these could lead to creation of new identity. CBSE has therefore decided that from the current Class IX (2019-2020) who would appear in Class X in 2021, schools should brief/guide these students about the importance of correct data and precautions to be taken by the students while getting themselves registered in CBSE in Class-IX. CBSE is also making efforts and several checks so that no request from this batch onwards is received by the CBSE for correction of data. In this regard, CBSE will be taking following measures:
  1. Request the schools to bring into the notice of the students that how correct data is to be provided for registration.
  2. Registration details will be provided to the students and the parents in the form of registration card by the school to confirm correctness of details.
  3. List of Candidate (LOC) will be based on the data provided in registration record. Parents will sign the LOC as a confirmation of the correctness of data.
  4. Undertaking about correctness of data on Admit Card by candidate and parent. Parents will sign an undertaking at the back of the Class X and XII certificate that they have checked the data and found correct.
Accordingly, schools are requested to guide the students in the following manner:
  1. Students must give the expanded name of Self and Father/ Mother/Guardian. No abbreviations be given.
  2. May check that their data is similar in all the documents like Date of Birth Certificate, School records, Aadhaar and Passport etc.
  3. Mention the name of mother and father as it is in their official/Govt record. Nick name or name through which they are known as in their family may not be mentioned.
  4. They will anticipate the requirement of the surname as when visiting abroad, it may be required by the visiting country to have both name and Surname.
  5. Their Date of Birth is as per Date of Birth certificate and as per school record.
  6. Students should describe their name in full i.e. no abbreviated form shall be accepted.
While uploading data, schools will be responsible for ensuring the following:
  1. Spelling of name of student/mother/father/Guardian is correct and is as per Admission & Withdrawal Register maintained by the school. It may be ensured that full name of the candidate/mother/father/guardian be filled to avoid corrections in the future and avoid hardship to the candidate. Abbreviations should not be used.
  2. Date of Birth is correct and is as per Admission & Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.
  3. Subject combinations are correct and as per Scheme of Studies.
  4. Subject codes should be chosen carefully & especially in the following subjects, codes be chosen correctly: (i) in Class -IX: Hindi–A (002), Hindi –B(085), Urdu A(003), Urdu B(303), Mathematics Standard(041), Mathematics Basic(241). (ii) in Class–XI: Hindi Core(302), Hindi Elective(002), English Core(301), English Elective(001) Sanskrit Core(322), Sanskrit Elective(022),   Urdu Core(303), Urdu Elective(003).
Schools will also submit data in OASIS without any penalty till September 30, 2019. After that, penalty as applicable in 2018 shall be imposed. It is expected that the schools will read the guidelines carefully, collect the correct data of the students & submit the same also correctly. Their efforts in uploading correct data will help in providing correct subject Question Papers to the candidates & also in providing documents with correct particulars. For any queries call at CBSE Helpline No. 1800-11-8002 between 9.30 AM -5.30 PM on all working days.

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