Amongst the clutter of Literature Festivals focusing on celebrities including cricketers, bollywood stars, politicians and controversies, where the awards are given based on paying capacity and unfounded claims, PragatiE Vichaar Literature Festival stands out. The last (2022) edition of PVLF garnered an enormous response from the industry, it was lauded as the best thing to happen for the new and debut authors. More than 150 authors participated in PVLF Excellence Awards which garnered 42K+ votes for awards and 500,000+ views of the event.
2022 was big, 2023 promises to be a blockbuster. We have given ourselves more time to plan, added more resources which means we can cater to more categories and areas where authors will be able to showcase their work alongside a 6-day author marathon.
Attendees will enjoy a wide array of books and author panels, exciting speakers and content geared to be of value to the publishing professionals, booksellers, readers, budding authors; essentially the entire literary works ecosystem.
Here is the list of themes that will be there in the PVLF 2023 Author’s Marathon.