(New Age Equality)
As you read this book, your concept of equality and your concept of India will change. The book deeply explores India and what it means for different people. Is it the land or the people; if it’s the people, then which people? Who defines and completes India?
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About the Author (Kapil Gupta)
A marketeer to the core, Kapil Gupta is an entrepreneur, both in thought and in style who believes that the power of a message & its delivery is what causes true revolutions. Kapil Gupta is a parallel entrepreneur who believes in providing true meaning to the various organizations he runs and builds them in sync with one another. He jokingly calls himself the jack of all trades and a master of some. He is the founder and the CEO of OMLogic (India’s leading digital marketing agencies), PragatiE (a virtual exhibition platform), Frontlist (portal for the publishing industry), Solh (a mental wellness platform & his current passion project), Advit Toys (a board games company).
Kapil is a true believer in new-age equality, which for him is deep rooted in providing equal opportunity to all. He believes that the current world of equality is still a 20th century way of working, which is rotten with personal benefits in the forms of subsidies & reservations (women, LGBTQ, religion, race, caste, region based). For true equality, everybody MUST be treated equally Period.
About the Co-Author (Bhushan Bhati)
A born critic, Bhushan has been analyzing things since he was 10. A 22 year old journalism graduate, you might wonder what he knows about the world & you will be right, not much, but enough to make a difference. His ability to simplify things gives him an edge when it comes to communicating with the masses. A behind the doors activist, the reason why he has authored this book is because he believes in unlearning. Another reason why he chose to work with Kapil is because they seldom agree on anything, which is why they have been able to fine tune this book.
A debater of sorts, Bhushan is known to never back down from an argument, no matter how heated it may get, provided that he knows what he is speaking about, because do keep in mind that he is still learning. His experiences in life have been starkly different from anybody else, an entrepreneur at 13, he built a business from scratch when most kids were just playing video games, and surprisingly in the field of video games. A communicator and a people's person, he is currently working as an EA to Kapil and hopes to delve into the world of public policy once he has grown enough, both in terms of knowledge and understanding.

Explore the Book
Discussion on two favourite chapters
Equality & Entitlement:
Equality is not creating an environment where everyone gets everything. Equality is not food security, equality is not farm waivers, equality is not subsidies, equality is not free this and free that. Simply put, equality is equal opportunity.
Women Empowerment:
Women empowerment could be about justifying the gap between a nurse’s and an engineer's salary, it can’t be about making an equal number of nurses and engineers. That will be a biological anomaly. Every girl interested in becoming an engineer should become an engineer and that’s equality, but promoting housewives as disempowered is as wrong as promoting house husbands as henpecked.
About the Book
Equality, a fickle concept. What is equality for you? Kapil's concept, 'New Age Equality' doesn't offer anybody special privileges based on something that may have happened a century back, it doesn't give reservations or subsidies or special rights just because some great great grandfather had to suffer back when some king was ruling. New Age Equality doesn't give a pedestal just because there are enough people asking for it, nor does it submit to the whims or fancies of whichever mob you might belong to. Simply put, New Age Equality is an equal opportunity for all.
As you read this book, your concept of equality and your concept of India may change. Kapil deeply explores India and what it means for different people. Is it the land or the people; if it’s the people, then which people? Who defines and completes India?
As you read through this book, some of this will get answered and what doesn’t get answered will remain as an enquiry for the readers to define for themselves. And that’s the beauty of it. You get to define it for yourself.

An interview with Kapil Gupta & Bhushan Bhati
We had a small interview with author & co-author, Some portions of the interview is added for our visitors.