• Sunday, September 08, 2024

More Books Removed from Hong Kong Book Fair Amidst Controversy Over “Sensitive” Content

At the 2024 Hong Kong Book Fair, five books were removed from Bbluesky’s stall due to "sensitive" content complaints, sparking concerns about vague censorship criteria.
on Jul 22, 2024
More Books Removed from Hong Kong Book Fair Amidst Controversy Over “Sensitive” Content

At the 2024 Hong Kong Book Fair, five books were removed from exhibitor Bbluesky’s stall following complaints about their “sensitive” content, according to Leslie Ng of Bbluesky. Ng revealed that the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) advised the removal of the titles on Saturday, citing complaints but not specifying their nature.

Ng expressed frustration with the vague criteria. Bbluesky complied by pulling four titles but left Allan Au’s Turbulence on display, arguing it did not contain sensitive content.

Three of the removed books, The Last Faith and 2047 Nights, were written by Au. The remaining two were works by former pro-democracy lawmaker Shiu Ka-chun. Shiu, convicted in 2019 for public nuisance, and Au, arrested in 2022 but not charged, have both faced scrutiny for their writings.

Ng noted that HKTDC staff did not issue a blanket directive but rather addressed complaints on a case-by-case basis. He also expressed concern that non-compliance might affect Bbluesky's participation in future fairs.

Boundary Bookstore also faced similar issues, being asked to remove various titles, including Au’s book on media ethics and a science fiction novel by Liu Wai-tong. Despite complying with earlier requests, Boundary has decided to keep 2047 Nights available.

The HKTDC, when asked about the removal requests, stated that the exhibitors should act according to procedures related to local laws, including the national security law and the recently enacted Article 23. The fair, running until Tuesday, is the first since the implementation of Article 23.

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