Frontlist | Boardman teacher writes book for the ‘Virtual Weary Student’
Frontlist | Boardman teacher writes book for the ‘Virtual Weary Student’
on Jan 14, 2021
“During the pandemic of 2020, I was trying to help a friend whose son was struggling with an online bio class. My friend said, ‘We have the textbook, a workbook and the answer key — what we need is someone to break down the why,’” Boardman High School teacher Heather Moran said.
BOARDMAN — Last year, Boardman High School advanced biology teacher Heather Moran was named Teacher of the Year by the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. This year, she has a new title — author.
Her book, which can be purchased here, is called “Biology Help for the Virtual Weary Student.” It includes 17 stories she says serve as a bridge between the average biology textbook and her classroom lectures. The stories make what she calls “sciency” words more understandable.
“During the pandemic of 2020, I was trying to help a friend whose son was struggling with an online bio class. My friend said, ‘We have the textbook, a workbook and the answer key — what we need is someone to break down the why,’” Moran said in a news release. “After writing several of my normal lectures out for this boy, I realized these same short stories could help other students who might be struggling. I wrote the book over the summer.”
Moran reached out to 120 fellow teachers, parents and current and former students to be her review team. Savannah White, a Boardman High School graphic arts student, did all the graphics in the book.
“One of my students said, ‘Ms. Moran, I don’t know anyone who’s ever written a book.’ They helped me decide on the cover art. They watched the process. And sometimes I think my students are more excited than me. It’s been a real learning process for us all.”
Moran has been teaching science at Boardman Local Schools for 19 years and has served as advisor and coach of the BHSEnvirothon Club for a decade. During summer 2019, she escorted a group of 17 BHS students on a trip to Iceland. Their adventures included navigating the Solheimajokull glacier and diving between diverging tectonic plates.
Source: Manohing Matters
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