• Sunday, February 23, 2025

Celebrate the International Mother Language Day by diving into the ocean of books

Celebrate the International Mother Language Day by diving into the ocean of books
on Feb 21, 2020
Celebrate the International Mother Language Day by diving into the ocean of books

International Mother Language Day

We live in a world which is full of people who have very diverse cultures from each other and share the same respect for each other’s culture. People feel connected to each other because of the thread of culture and languages. Languages help us to understand and identify each other. Every community has its own ethics, values, beliefs, and language. There are about 6,500 languages in the world. On International Mother Language Day, we celebrate and promote the awareness of language and cultural diversity all across the world. The idea of celebrating the richness of languages was initiated by Bangladesh. In the year of 1999, UNESCO declared 21st Feb as the International Mother Language Day. The theme for every year’s International Mother Language Day is decided by UNESCO. There are also several programmes organised by UNESCO at its headquarters in Paris. Other events are also organised in different countries in the celebration of this remarkable day. Keeping pace with this digital ear, the Indian government released digital learning materials for schools and colleges in the 22 most widely spoken Indian languages. International India is a land of different cultures which have multiple dialects. The Republic of India has 22 officially recognized languages. The best way to explore the ocean of different languages in India is through literature. Many books in different languages are available in the Indian market. According to the India Book Market Report (2016), India is the sixth-largest publisher in the world so basically India provides a huge platform to all the several languages of the world to spread their culture through literature. Books are always helpful to understand and explore the world of languages. They are the simple and easiest medium to learn about the diversity of culture. Whenever a person is visiting a new place, he/she can learn all about the destination in a book. Literature is the ideal way to communicate your culture in any language. People love to read and learn about different cultures. There are many great books which are written in the mother tongue of the writer’s place and translated into other languages as well. It is really important to know about your mother tongue because that is the root of the knowledge tree. The mother language always shapes young minds in the most developing way.    

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